Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why am I an Atheist?

Let's ask this the other way round.
           Why should I NOT be an atheist?

    Can anyone give me one rational argument as to why one should believe in the existence of a supreme being? Ok!The first argument I can see coming up is people's personal experiences which they term miraculous and attribute the same to the Divine.They may talk of incurable diseases being mysteriously healed all by themselves; financial,family or personal problems getting resolved-again in an inexplicable manner- and so on and so forth.So if you cannot explain something you attribute it to the mercy,kindness and generosity of God.Have you ever wondered how this attitude of yours is different from that of the primitive cavemen who cowered before and worshipped anything and everything they couldn't understand and were afraid of? They had different gods for each and every force of nature,be it rain,thunder,lightening,sea or the sun.Whatever Man couldn't understand he worshipped.
And thousands of years yonder,nothing seems to have changed....
   Have you ever wondered why God would want a world full of gross injustice with one man subsisting on stones(I mean it- residents of a village in Orissa were forced to eat limestone to escape hunger-the village is Kalahandi if my memory is correct) and another having enough to feed an army?I'm not a socialist or a communist but I do believe that a man has the right to atleast two good meals a day.I won't be reeling off any statistics to support my argument...I assume you are intelligent enough to do that yourself. My point- Can a God be heartless enough to let such injustice be perpetrated?I don't think so! Of course! There is this whole philosophy of the cycle of 'karma' which exists in the Hindu philosophical texts but to me it smacks of nothing but escapism.It is just a vain attempt to explain what is glaring enough not to be ignored.A criminal going unpunished and an innocent man suffering are all blamed on 'karma' by stating that the criminal shall suffer in the next birth or that the innocent man is reaping the fruits of his misdeeds in a previous birth.How convenient!I wonder what then is the need for laws,police and courts in our society.After all,'karma' shall ensure that justice is done at some point of time and therefore by appointing ourselves as dispensers of justice,we are committing another crime!Any rational being knows that there cannot exist a society without laws and yet seeks to endorse such paradoxical concepts to explain the coexistence of God and injustice.
    All religions have their own version of how life began on earth, of how man came into existence and yet each and everyone of these flies in the face of scientific evidence uncovered so far.None of the religions say a word about The Big Bang and all of them attribute life to the grace of God.If none of them can be correct about the origin of life how can they claim what the supposed God wants or doesn't want man to do?The Vatican in particular is absolutely against teaching the theory of evolution to kids in school coz it is in direct conflict with the version Bible preaches."Forget all the evidence you've got", it says,"its a sin to even doubt the veracity of what everyone knows is the truth." Maybe I'm exaggerating it quite a lot over here considering that the Vatican has recently changed its stance to suggest the coexistence of both versions(no doubt in the face of mounting evidence in support of evolution) but even this new stance is ridiculous for I fail to see how the two can coexist given what each of them propounds.My point-Everything you know about God has been fed to you by your respective religions none of which can give you any evidence in support of their credibility.Beyond everything your religion tells you, can you find an argument compelling enough to believe in God?
   More on this in the next post....

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